PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly) is a unique program designed to help elderly members of the community remain in their homes as long as it is medically feasible. Participants enrolled in the program receive a comprehensive plan of care that is tailored to their specific needs and designed to meet the following goals:

  • Allow the participant to stay within familiar surroundings;
  • Allow the participant to maintain their dignity and autonomy; and
  • Maximize the participant’s level of social interaction, physical and cognitive function.

The PACE program offers participants an alternative to traditional residential care homes and nursing home facilities by enabling them to stay in their homes and communities while providing a full spectrum of services administered and coordinated by their Interdisciplinary Team.

Bienvivir All-Inclusive Senior Health (Bienvivir) is a community-based health-care program developed to serve the frail, elderly population of El Paso. Utilizing the National Program for All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE) as the model of service, Bienvivir serves those who qualify for Medicaid and Medicare. Bienvivir provides comprehensive care at three facilities in El Paso. Each facility includes a dementia-specific day care unit to care for participants who need additional attention during the day. While the goal of the program is to allow the participant to stay in their home, Bienvivir also offers a 44 bed residential assisted living unit at the McKinley center. Bienvivir is a nonprofit organization funded by Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance, and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.